Professor of political science, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the bachelor Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Director of ESPOL-Lab


Associate Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy, Deputy Director of ESPOL-LAB Research Center


The ESPOL-LAB Research Centre for European and International Politics is composed of a team of researchers analysing public decision-making processes and contemporary transformations in the political sphere. Questioning the boundaries of politics and the relationship between politics and society is at the heart of ESPOL-LAB’s scientific project. What is the actual impact of political decision-making? What are its drivers? To what extent do policies still refer to the regulation of society?

The apparent fragility of the contemporary state, in conjunction with the fragmentation of identities, growing globalisation of economies, and the emergence of new forms of violence highlight the difficulty of organising social relations and giving meaning to societal life. Yet, while the modern state may no longer be seen as the exclusive framework within which common rules are developed and transformed, it nevertheless retains an unparalleled appeal and ability to guide and organise societies.

In this context, ESPOL-LAB research aims to help inform political decision-making processes, their normative underpinnings and the constraints they face, also including their continuously transforming relations to territory and violence. Our research team is composed of specialists in various political science fields, such as public policies, international relations, comparative politics, history of political ideas, and political theory.



Research at ESPOL-LAB focuses on changes in contemporary societies and political dynamics within multilevel settings. It is organised around three major research areas:

Europe constitutes a cross-cutting dimension of research at ESPOL which is present in each of these three areas.

Felix-Christopher VON-NOSTITZ

Associate Professor of Political Science, Co-Head of the master Digital Politics and Governance

1) The quality of democracy

Representative democracy has been put to the test for several decades, in Europe as in the rest of the world. Understanding the multifaceted causes of this crisis is one of the major challenges of social sciences and, more particularly, of contemporary political science. The role of political parties and governments is changing. In a globalized world, the position of nation states, including in the European Union is evolving. The forms and arenas of political participation are diversifying. The rise of so-called ‘populist’ movements challenges the political elites.


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Based on a reflection of the fundamental principles of democracy, this thematic research area aims to analyse the formal and procedural conditions of democracy, the capacity of political institutions to meet these criteria as well as the causes and consequences of democratic transformation. The research conducted on these issues goes beyond a strictly legalistic reading of democratic rules to include a theoretical reflection on the criteria of good governance with an empirical analysis of political processes.

Using the tools of political philosophy, political sociology and public policy analysis, the work of this research area focuses specifically on:
– political representation, such as elections, parties and parliaments,
– new spaces of democracy, especially economic democracy,
– e-democracy.


Associate Professor of Political Science

2) Reconfigurations of the International

This ESPOL-LAB research area explores the contemporary transformations of the international stage. The latter is traditionally understood as an abstract space without an own territory where political and social phenomena would evolve either completely outside the state or between states. The International can however also be understood as a certain regime of limits, historically contingent, articulated around the spatial division between the internal and the external. From this, a whole series of normative and structuring distinctions of political practice and the very understanding of politics could be elaborated: a distinction between the citizen and the foreigner, between domestic and foreign policy, between crime and war, between the criminal and the enemy, between internal security and national defence, between the police and the armed forces etc.

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The International has always been put to the test and also has continuously been transformed in the process of global integration, as suggested in the literature about the advent of a ‘global and borderless world’. Yet, the International has never totally dissolved in ‘world politics’ that would disregard or override the states. Rather than disappearing, the State is being transformed and, in this context, the International is also undergoing a transformation.

This third research area analyses the contemporary reconfigurations of the International.In a critical and reflexive perspective, these research works particularly question the reorientation of the historical construction of the modern state, the evolving notions of space, borders and the enemy, the contested (and yet continually reaffirmed) procedures of legitimising state sovereign authority and the transformation of the conditions for the exercise of violence.

The topics that drive the work of this research area are in particular:
– international security and regional and international security organisations,
– armed conflicts, war and military strategy,
– terrorism and anti-terrorism.


Associate Professor of Political Science, Head of the master Food Politics and Sustainable Development

3) Politics of the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene denotes a new geological epoch in the Earth’s history in which humans have become the main drivers of planetary-wide changes. Climate change, biodiversity loss, desertification, ocean acidification, plastic seas, overexploitation of natural resources, and other problems prompted by capitalist globalisation accumulation endanger the habitability of the planet. It characterises a fundamental change in the human-environment relation, as the human species dominates over biological and geological processes on Earth. This in turn points to the political and social implications of the Anthropocene concept.

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In our work, we focus, first, on the politics of the Anthropocene from different perspectives. The changing relations of nature and society shed light on the acceleration of contradictions and dualist divisions as a way of organising these relations under capitalist conditions (e.g. North/South, nature/culture, men/women, us/them, human/non-human). The idea of the Anthropocene brings to the fore the political necessity for thinking our relations to the environment in the era of advanced capitalism, or Capitalocene. This second strand of work focuses on politics for the Anthropocene. In response to the challenges of the Anthropocene, human societies must question power relations and rethink their principles and practices in order to navigate away from critical tipping points in planetary natures.

The work of this research area focusses on the Politics of and for the Anthropocene, including:
– social and political responses to the environmental crisis,
– current food systems and alternative food systems,
– visions and pathways towards collective change, relating to sustainable development and radical reorganisation of nature-society relationships.

Research projects


Activating European Citizens’ Trust in Time of Crisis and Polarization

The ActEU project studies the decline of political trust and legitimacy in Europe. It focuses on the interactions between citizens’ political attitudes, their political participation and the representation of their political preferences. This 3-year project (March 2023-February 2026) is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme (Research and Innovation Actions).



Comparative Candidate Survey

The CCS Candidate Benchmarking Survey is a joint multinational project whose objective is to collect data on candidates for national parliamentary elections in different countries using a common core questionnaire to allow comparisons between countries. The data collection includes candidate surveys as well as relevant contextual information about the candidate’s constituency and the political system as a whole.



Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control

Sarah Perret (ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille) is a member of the Management Committee of DATAMIG, a COST Action aiming at supporting interdisciplinary research into the ways that the technological materialities inherent to the datafication of migration and border control may, on account of their black-boxed design, reproduce patterns of inclusion and exclusion that have already severely affected society.



Democratic Governance, Environmental and Climate Challenges, and Societal Transformation: Deliberation, Inclusiveness, and Citizen Empowerment for Sustainable Food Systems

The DEMETRA project aims to deal with sustainable food governance in urban contexts to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal and the ‘Farm to Fork’ Strategy.

This 42-months (May 2024 – November 2027) project is funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon Europe framework programme.



Digital Parties Research Network

This network’s aim is to analyse political parties in digital age. The main overarching questions are to what extent is there such thing as “digital parties” and if so, what is it and how does it differ from other parties. Furthermore, the degree of (organisational) transformation (or lack of it) of parties in the digital age is a focus of the network.



Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Euro-lab – Réseau de recherche interdisciplinaire sur l’Union européenne

The Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) « Euro-Lab » – Réseau interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’Union européenne (Scientific Interest Group – Interdisciplinary Research Network on the European Union), lead by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the CNRS, the University of Strasbourg, and supported by 24 other partner universities and Grandes Écoles throughout France, including ESPOL, is a large research network whose purpose is to federate all academics in the humanities and social sciences who work on the European Union.



Towards “just conservation”: linking theories and practices of justice in biodiversity conservation

JUSTCONSERVATION is a 3-year research project led by ESPOL and funded by the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) of the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB).




“Environmental justice analysis to advance rural landscape transformations in the face of climate change”

ESPOL-LAB is a partner in the Just-Scapes project, a 3-year project coordinated by the University of East Anglia and funded by the Pan-European intergovernmental Joint Programming Initiative Climate(JPI Climate) as part of its SOLSTICE progamme.



“Scientific Networks & Conferences”

ESPOL is involved in the NETCONF project (Networks & Scientific Congresses) launched in 2019 and co-sponsored with CRIEF (University of Poitiers) and CNRS. Thanks to funding from the Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Réseau URFIST and the CNRS, NETCONF brings together 7 institutions with the objective of characterising the effect that congresses can have on the dynamics of scientific networks and their internationalisation.



Collaborative Observatory on Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism and Violence

ESPOL-LAB participates in the ‘Collaborative Observatory on Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism and Violence’ (O.C.T.A.V.). This is an initiative of scientists from various disciplinary backgrounds, supported and funded by LabToP-CRESPPA-Paris8-CNRS, ESPOL-ICL, REPI-ULB and CERI-SciencesPo/CNRS.




PEOPLE – Pratiques Électorales et OPinions Lors des Élections de 2022 project (2021-2022)

PEOPLE2022 (“Electoral behaviour and political opinions of citizens in the 2022 French presidential elections”) is a research project funded by the “Ambroise” research grants of the Université catholique de Lille, ESPOL and the CERAPS research centre of the University of Lille. The project explores French citizens’ participation in electoral campaigns on online and offline media as well as media’s influence on their voting behaviour in the context of (post) health crisis. The project entails the quantitative analysis of online media content, an online survey and exit polls.



H2020 Project “Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law”

ESPOL-LAB is a partner in the RECONNECT (Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law) project. This 4-year multi-disciplinary project funded by the European Union under the framework programme H2020.



(Semences Paysannes)

Developing the resilience of organic field crop sectors in a context of climate change and protection of water resources: the development of farmers’ seeds and their use by the sector

ESPOL-LAB is involved since late 2020 in the “Semences paysannes” (“Farmer’s seeds”) project alongside Bio en Grand Est and ARDEAR Grand-Est. Funded by Agence de l’eau Seine Normandie for a durationof 3 years, the project aims to contribute to the preservation of water resources by changing agricultural practices through the development of farmer seeds as mean to save water.



The Sport and Politics Research International Network Group

SPRING, the Sport and Politics Research International Network Group, was officially founded on 22 October 2021 to analyse how sport interacts with issues of politics. Its founding symposium “Global Issues and Sport” paved the way for exporing the questions of climate change and greenwashing in sports, of sports and human rights, of sports and globalisation, and other topics.


Former projects

Electoral Participation, Lists and Candidates in the North [of France] – 2020

The PELICAN project (“Electoral Participation in the Lille Metropolis”) is a research project funded by ESPOL, the school of political science of the Catholic University of Lille, and the CERAPS research lab of the University of Lille. Thr PELICAN team was part of the lager national research group « Collectif de Recherche sur les Élections Municipales et Intercommunales (CREMI) » (Research Collective on Municipal and Intercommunal Elections). The project aimed to examine the composition of the electoral lists of municipalities in the Hauts-de-France region, and to study both the determinants of voter turnout and abstention in this election. This research agenda evolved due to the health crisis overlapping with the project period.

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Project “Farmer-led strategies to resist factory farming in the Global South”

Dr Brendan Coolsaet (ESPOL) and Dr Kristin Reynolds (The New School / Yale University) were awarded a grant by Tiny Beam Fund, a private US-based foundation, in 2019 for the “Farmer-led strategies to resist factory farming in the Global South” project.

The research project was about understanding the dynamics of small-scale and industrial livestock production in emerging economies such as Brazil, India, and China, as well as regions of the world that have traditionally received less attention in ‘pro-poor’ agricultural development, such as parts of West Africa or East Africa.

Project “Reviving democratic participation in Europe: lessons from the crisis”

Professor Michael Holmes (Liverpool Hope University) completed a research stay at ESPOL-LAB, funded by the Regional Council Nord-Pas de Calais under their ‘Invited researchers’ programme. During his stay in Lille throughout the year 2017, Michael Holmes pursued a project on the impact of the Euro crisis on political parties as agents of democratic participation. Results of this work is an edited volume (to be published by Manchester University Press) to which Julien Navarro and Antonella Seddone contributed, and to the organisation of an international conference on Brexit in November 2017. Michael Holmes continues to collaborate with ESPOL-LAB as associate researcher.

Project “Between personalization and democratization”

From September 2015 to August 2017, ESPOL-LAB hosted a post-doctoral researcher, Antonella Seddone, to conduct her research project ‘Between personalization and democratization: the changing role of members within political parties’. As part of the ESPOL-LAB research area ‘Quality of democracy’, this project was funded under the programme ‘Accueil de Jeunes Chercheurs 2015’ by the Conseil Régional Nord – Pas de Calais. During her stay at ESPOL, the post-doctoral researcher published widely in collaboration with members of the research unit, especially with Giulia Sandri. Antonella Seddone continues to work with several colleagues as an associate researcher of ESPOL-LAB.

ESPOL-LAB team and network

The ESPOL-LAB team consists of twenty-one faculty members working on the transformation of European and global politics: eighteen Associate professors, a Professor (HDR), a Lecturer, three Post-doctoral researchers. ESPOL-LAB is headed by Sabine Weiland (Director) and Thierry Chopin (Deputy Director).

ESPOL has also ten associate researchers. We welcome applications of interested researchers to become associated with ESPOL.

ESPOL-LAB is member of the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research), the principal political science research network in Europe. The ESPOL-LAB team supports the Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée and the Politique européenne journal.


Associate Professor of Political Science


Associate Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy, Deputy Director of ESPOL-LAB Research Center

François BRIATTE

Assistant Lecturer of Political Science, Co-Head of International Mobility


Associate Professor of Political Science, Head of the Master's in Multilevel Governance in Europe


Professor of political science, Head of the master International & Security Politics

Joseph Earsom

Associate Professor in Environmental and Climate Policy

Shoshana FINE

Associate Professor of Political Science


Associate Professor in Development Economics


Associate Professor in Political Science

Jérome Gonnot

Associate Professor of Public Economics


Director of ESPOL, Professor of Political Science


Associate Professor of Political Science

Michael HOLMES

Associate Professor of Political Science, Co-Head of International Mobility

Johannes Karremans

Director of the Master's Programmes, Professor of Political Science, Head of the Master' in Multilevel Governance in Europe


Professor of political science, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the bachelor Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Director of ESPOL-Lab

Pierre-Yves NERON

Associate Professor of Economic and Social Ethics
Sarah Perret professeur de science politique à ESPOL

Sarah Perret

Associate Professor of Political Science


Associate Professor of International Relations

Damian RAESS

Professor of International Political Economy, Head of the Bachelor in International Relations


Deputy Director of the Academic ProgrammesAssociate Professor of Political Science

Felix-Christopher VON-NOSTITZ

Associate Professor of Political Science, Co-Head of the master Digital Politics and Governance


Associate Professor of Political Science, Head of the master Food Politics and Sustainable Development


Associate Professor of European and International Politics

Postdoctoral Researchers & guests

Max-Valentin Robert

Postdoctoral researcher


Associate professor of Political Science at the Universitat de València. Visiting Fellow at the ESPOL-Research LAB

Associate researchers

Sonia Le Gouriellec

Associate Professor in Political Science, UCL and Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL

Adrián Megías Collado

Lecturer of Political Science, University of Almería & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL


Post-doctorate fellow and Associate Research fellow at ESPOL

Benjamin NEIMARK

Senior Lecturer at the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL

Stéphanie NOVAK

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL


Assistant Professor and Chair of Food Studies at The New School, New York City, US & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL

Antonella SEDDONE

Postdoctoral researcher at the Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università degli Studi di Torino & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL

Daniel-Louis SEILER

Full Professor emeritus at Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL
Portrait de Francisco Ramon VILLAPLANA JIMENEZ

Francisco Ramón Villaplana Jiménez

Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL


Lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced Studies, Environmental Science and Policy Program, Chair of the Business Department at Trinity Washington University & Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL


Associate Professor of Political Science, Researcher at ETHICS, UCL, Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL, Head of the bachelor's in Political Science



Press & media



18 January 2024 – Inaugural Lecture
Direct democracy in comparative politics
Raul MAGNI-BERTON ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille

2 February 2024 – Students’ Conference
« Derrière la clôture verte – Survivre à Treblinka, Richard Glazar »
Valéry PRATT
CPGE of Lycée Louis Thuillier d’Amiens, France

8 February 2024ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Ethnos of the Earth: International Order and the Emergence of Ethnicity
Jaakko HEISKANEN ESPOL, Queen Mary University of London, UK

15 February 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Imperfect representation: Perceptions of inequality among politicians and citizens

Franklin University Switzerland, Switzerland

7 March 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Shared rule in federal political systems
– Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

22 March 2024ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
A New Global Order: Technology, Power and Politics in the Digital Era” – CANCELLED
Manuel MUÑIZ
IE University, Spain

28 March 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Conference
Youth in global climate governance: origins, motivations, impact
Amandine ORSINI
Université Saint-Louis, Belgium

4 April 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Assessing the von der Leyen Commission: ‘Union of Equality’, a new paradigm for the EU?
– Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

11 April 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Between Voters and Eurocrats. How Do Governments Justify their Budgets
– ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille

18 April 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
« Assemblées Citoyennes : quels impacts structurels ? »

– Université de Namur, Belgium

7 May 2024 ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
British Modern International Thought in the Making. Politics and Economy from Hobbes to Bentham
Benjamin BOURCIER ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille & Mikko JAKONEN University of Eastern Finland, Finland

13 June 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Where did they go? Shifting Social Media Strategies during the 2024 European Parliament Campaign
William T. DANIEL
– University of Nottingham, UK

20 June 2024 – ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Lobbying for intersectionality: Civil society organisations and the EU’s anti-discrimination policy
ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille


29-30 March 2023 – Study Day
« Philosophie et théorie politiques (des relations) internationales »

Thierry BALZACQ CERI – SciencesPo Adrien SCHU Université de Bordeaux – Thomas LINDEMANN – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin – R.B.J. WALKER – University of Victoria (BC, Canada) – Ninon GRANGÉ – Université de Paris VIII – Benjamin BOURCIER – ESPOL – Julie SAADA – Ecole de droit – SciencesPo – Valéry PRATT – EHESS – Thomas HIPPLER – Université de Caen – Institut pour la Paix – Janis GRZYBOWSKI – ESPOL – Philippe BONDITTI ESPOL

29 March 2023 – Keynote Address
International, Political, Theoretical. On the Theory of the Modern International

R.B.J. WALKER University of Victoria, Canada

27 April 2023 – ESPOL Seminar general
Saving popular sovereignty from a slow death in the EU

Jan Pieter BEETZUniversité of Utrecht, The Netherlands

4 May 2023 – ESPOL Seminar general
Political ethnography of Lega and Rassemblement National and local power

Elisa BELLÉSciences Po

7-8 September 2023: ESPOL-Lab Academic Conference
Rugby and World War 1 – An Unbreakable Bond
Michael HOLMESUniversité catholique de Lille / ESPOL, France ; Albert GRUNDLINGHStellenbosch University, South Africa ; Guillaume VILLEMOTLe Tribut de la Nation – Mémoires de Rugby 2023 ; Philip DINEUniversity of Galway, Ireland ; Joris VINCENTUniversité de Lille, France ; Arnaud WAQUETUniversité de Lille, France ; Greg RYANLincoln University, New Zealand ; Robert DEWEYDe Pauw University, Indiana, United States of America; Dale BLAIRDepartment of Veterans’ Affairs, Canberra, Australia; Lydia FURSEDe Montfort University &, United Kingdom; Rob HESSVictoria University, Melbourne, Australia; Jake LAWTONLiverpool Hope University, United Kingdom; Gethin MATTHEWSSwansea University, United Kingdom; Liam O’CALLAGHANLiverpool Hope University, United Kingdom; Philippe DIESTUniversité Catholique de Lille / FLSH, France; John KELLYEdinburgh University, United Kingdom.

22 September 2023, 16:00-18:00: ESPOL Opening Conference
« Dans les coulisses d’une Commission Européenne politique »
Frédéric MÉRAND, Université de Montréal, Canada

28 September 2023, 14:00-16:00: ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Party Politics in the Digital Age
Ramón VILLAPLANA JIMÉNEZ, University of Murcia, Spain / ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille

5 October 2023, 16:00-18:00: Inaugural Lecture
Lawyering imperial encounters. Negotiating Africa’s relationship with the world economySara DEZALAY, ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille

12 October 2023, 14:00-16:00: ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
« La sociologie du droit existe-t-elle ? »
Olivier CORTEN, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

9 November 2023, 14:00-16:00: ESPOL-Lab Conference
« Le christianisme politique en Europe »
Daniel-Louis SEILER, Sciences Po Aix, France

16 November 2023, 14:00-16:00: ESPOL-Lab Research Seminar
Data Colonization in India
Pratiksha ASHOK, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

14 December 2023, 14:00-16:00: ESPOL-Lab Conference
Social Europe. Irrelevant, catching-up, or dangerous? A reassessment against the background of the just transition
Amandine CRESPY, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium


20 January 2022 – ESPOL Seminar
The UN SDGs and food system transformation

Sabine WEILAND ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille

3 February 2022 – ESPOL Conference
« No Demos, souveraineté et démocratie à l’épreuve de l’Europe »

Céline SPECTOR Sorbonne Université

24 February 2022 – ESPOL Conference
The politics of (non)knowledge at Europe’s borders: Errors, fakes and subjectivity

Sarah PERRET King’s College London, United Kingdom

3 March 2022 – ESPOL Seminar
Europeanisation of digital health policies in France, Austria, and Ireland
Laboratoire Printemps, DREES (Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé)

9 March 2022 ESPOL Seminar
Climate change and security. Administrations facing the global and uncertainty
Sofia KABBEJ – University of Queensland, Australia

17 March 2022 – ESPOL Conference
Populist radical right parties in Europe and Latin America
Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, Chile

24 March 2022 – ESPOL Seminar
« Une perspective wébérienne de l’articulation empirie et théorie »
Béatrice HIBOU
Sciences Po Paris, CERI

22 September 2022 – ESPOL Conference
Prussian Marseillaise: French Intellectuals and the Second Cold War
Grey ANDERSON – École Polytechnique, Paris

6 October 2022 – ESPOL Inaugural Lecture
A Culture of Cakeism: Why do Brexiters and Rejoiners Misunderstand the EU?
Andrew GLENCROSS ESPOL, Université catholique de Lille

20-21 October 2022 – Inaugural Symposium of the Institut Pour la Paix
« Les paix en conflit ? »
Closing lecture on 21 October, by Étienne BALIBAR
Professor Emeritus, Université Paris Nanterre

3 November 2022 ESPOL Seminar
« La figure du paysan. La ferme, l’AMAP et la politique »
Romuald BOTTE, AMAP des Weppes & Bruno VILLALBA, laboratoire Printemps, AgroParisTech

24 November 2022 ESPOL Conference
« La justice sociale dans l’Union Européenne »
Mathilde UNGER Université de Strasbourg