Bachelor’s in Political Sciences

Bachelor’s degree in Political Science

A solid understanding of europe in all its aspects

The Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science combines multidisciplinary teaching and extensive methodological training. It provides students with a solid grounding in general culture through social sciences courses and varied introductory classes. Students also acquire technical and specialised know-how about Europe.


  • A strong knowledge of Europe in all its aspects (economic, political and historical).
  • Excellent language skills and a genuinely humanist education.
  • A strong capacity for analysis, criticism, argument, and a good ability to summarise.


  • Foreign language courses (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.).
  • Student mobility with the possibility of a stay at a foreign university from the fourth semester onwards.
  • A multicultural campus environment (linked to the presence of international students and instructors).
  • Internships and professional development: students must intern for a total of eight weeks, spread out as they wish over the three years of the Bachelor’s Degree. Students receive support for these internships in the form of technical workshops and specific, job-focused modules that introduce them to the different careers to which political science studies lead.

In order to encourage students to succeed, various mechanisms have been put in place:

  • KHOLLES: This 30-minute oral examination generally includes a question from the course or a commentary on a text and is divided into three parts: presentation, discussion and debriefing.
  • TUTORING: Possibility to ask a teacher for a meeting in order to submit a problematic seen in class or to deepen questions related to teaching.
  • ROLE PLAYING: Theatrical situations conducive to oral expression during several courses, in particular EU Policy Making and Economic, Social & Political Ethics…

Career opportunities

The European Bachelor’s degree in political science is a diploma at BAC +3 level (180 ECTS credits). It offers students the possibility of continuing their studies in France or abroad in a Master’s degree in several fields:

  • Institutes of political studies.
  • Journalism.
  • Communication.
  • International relations.
  • Social sciences.
  • Law.
  • Economics,
  • Urban planning,
  • Sustainable development,
  • Security,
  • Governance,
  • Agri-food

Students can continue their studies by choosing one of the Masters offered at ESPOL:

They can also take the European, national and local civil service exams.


Associate Professor of Political Science, Researcher at ETHICS, UCL, Associate Research Fellow at ESPOL, Head of the bachelor's in Political Science

Course schedule

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Semester 5

Semester 6

Core courses

Introduction à la science politique 24h 4 ECTS
          Travaux dirigés d’introduction à la science politique 16h 2 ECTS
          Khôlles / 2 ECTS
Droit constitutionnel comparé 24h 4 ECTS
          Travaux dirigés de droit constitutionnel comparé 16h 2 ECTS

Advanced courses

Introduction à la sociologie 18h 3 ECTS
Introduction à l’économie 18h 3 ECTS
History of European Integration 18h 3 ECTS

Core skills

Professionnalisation 4h
Study trip 10h
Méthodologie du travail intellectuel et bases de l’argumentation 16h 1 ECTS
Ateliers de sensibilisation aux Violences Sexistes et Sexuelles 4h
LV1 30h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 2 ECTS

Core courses

Histoire des idées politiques anciennes et modernes 24h 4 ECTS
          Séminaires de lecture d’histoire des idées politiques anciennes et modernes 16h 2 ECTS
Introduction to the Law and Institutions of the EU 24h 2 ECTS
          Introduction to the Law and Institutions of the EU seminars 16h 4 ECTS
          Khôlle / 2 ECTS
Méthode statistique 16h 2 ECTS
          Travaux pratiques de méthode statistique 12h 2 ECTS

Advanced courses

History of Europe in the 20th Century 18h 3 ECTS
Introduction to international relations 18h 3 ECTS

Core skills

Journée européenne 10 /
Study trip 10 /
LV1 16 2 ECTS
LV2 16 2 ECTS
LV3 15 2 ECTS

Core courses

Public Policy 24h 4 ECTS
          Public policy seminars 16h 2 ECTS
Histoire des idées politiques contemporaines 24h 4 ECTS
Epistémologie des sciences sociales 24h 4 ECTS
Droit et institutions politiques comparés 24h 4 ECTS

Advanced courses - Compulsory (choose 1)

Partis politiques et systèmes partisans en Europe 18h 3 ECTS
Histoire intellectuelle de l’Europe 18h 3 ECTS

Advanced courses - Optional (choose 1)

Politique régionale, frontières et coopération territoriale dans l’UE 18h 3 ECTS
Politics of borders 18h 3 ECTS
Professionalising Workshop: EU Public Affairs and Lobbying 18h 3 ECTS
Introduction aux études de genre 18h 3 ECTS
Lecture d’œuvre : La littérature écrite par des politiques, de J. César à V. Havel 18h 3 ECTS
Lecture d’oeuvre : Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations 18h 3 ECTS
Lecture d’oeuvre : Le féminisme ou la mort, Françoise d’Eaubonne 18h 3 ECTS
Lecture d’oeuvre:  De la démocratie en Amérique, Alexis de Tocqueville 18h 3 ECTS
Sociologie de l’ethnicité 18h 3 ECTS
Sports and Politics 18h 3 ECTS

Core skills

Professionnalisation 10h /
Essay Writing Workshop 16h 1 ECTS
LV1 Anglais 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 au choix (allemand/espagnol/italien) 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 au choix ou Anglais ou FLE 15h 2 ECTS

Core courses

Political Sociology 24h 4 ECTS
          Political sociology seminars 16h 2 ECTS
Comparative Politics 24h 4 ECTS
          Comparative politics tutorials 16h 2 ECTS
Theories of European Integration 24h 4 ECTS

Advanced courses - Compulsory (choose 1)

Vie politique française 18h 3 ECTS
European Environmental Governance 18h 3 ECTS

Advanced courses - Optional (choose 2)

Analyse économique des décisions politiques 18h 3 ECTS
Médias et analyse de l’actualité politique de l’UE 18h 3 ECTS
Economie sociale et solidaire 18h 3 ECTS
EU trade policy 18h 3 ECTS
European values in EU crises 18h 3 ECTS
Inside populism: theory and empirical cases 18h 3 ECTS
Introduction aux sociologies de la déviance et de la pénalité 18h 3 ECTS
Humanisme européen 18h 3 ECTS
Littérature and trauma 18h 3 ECTS
MUN 18h 3 ECTS
Music and Politics 18h 3 ECTS
Néolibéralisme et société de l’évaluation 18h 3 ECTS
The Communist Century 18h 3 ECTS
Qu’est-ce que le cosmopolitisme? 18h 3 ECTS
Théories de la démocratie 18h 3 ECTS

Core skills

Journée européenne 10h /
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 1 ECTS

Core courses

Théorie des relations internationales 24h 4 ECTS
Public International Law 18h 3 ECTS
Ethique économique, sociale & politique 24h 4 ECTS
          Jeux de rôle 10h 2 ECTS
Enjeux politiques européens 24h 4 ECTS

Advanced courses - Compulsory (choose 1)

Politics of European Identity and Culture 18h 3 ECTS
International Political Economy 18h 3 ECTS

Advanced courses - Optional (choose 2)

European health policy 18h 3 ECTS
Sociologie des médias 18h 3 ECTS
Images et scènes du politique : la souveraineté 18h 3 ECTS
Outer Space Law and Policy 18h 3 ECTS
“Una historia comparada de la Península Ibérica, siglos XX y XXI: repúblicas, fascismos, Europa” 18h 3 ECTS
Political Philosophy of Migration 18h 3 ECTS

Core skills

Professionnalisation 10h /
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 1 ECTS
LV3 15h 1 ECTS

Core courses

Dossier de recherche 8 ECTS
Simulation de négociation européenne 24h 4 ECTS
Gouvernance économique européenne 24h 4 ECTS

UAdvanced courses - Compulsory

Political Science Research Methods 18h 3 ECTS

Advanced courses - Optional (choose 2)

Sociologie électorale 18h 3 ECTS
Crise de la représentation et innovations démocratiques 18h 3 ECTS
Éthique des politiques sociales et de santé – Partenariat avec l’Espace de Réflexion Ethique Régional 18h 3 ECTS
Internet and Politics 18h 3 ECTS
Droit des libertés fondamentales comparé 18h 3 ECTS
Droit de la concurrence européenne 18h 3 ECTS
L’Union européenne et ses voisins 18h 3 ECTS
Humour et politique 18h 3 ECTS
Politics of the Anthropocene (online) 18h 3 ECTS
American Politics and Political Institutions: Continuity and Change 18h 3 ECTS
Humanisme européen 18h 3 ECTS
Power and Ethnicity in Latin America 18h 3 ECTS

Core skills

Journée européenne 10h /
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 1 ECTS

The course schedules are not contractual and are subject to change at any time by the teaching staff.