Johannes Karremans

Director of the Master's Programmes, Professor of Political Science, Head of the Master' in Multilevel Governance in Europe

Johannes Karremans

Director of the Master's Programmes, Professor of Political Science, Head of the Master' in Multilevel Governance in Europe
+33 3 59 31 50 65


Johannes Karremans is Professor in Political Science at the European School of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Lille. He holds both the Austrian venia docendi  and the Italian national scientific habilitation. Prior to his current appointment, Professor Karremans held several post-doctoral positions at the European University Institute, the University of Salzburg and the University of Lisbon. Between 2019 and 2021, he was holder of the prestigious Lise Meitner grant from the Austrian Science Fund. Professor Karremans earned his doctorate in Political and Social Sciences at the EUI in 2017. His research has appeared in several leading scholarly journals, including West European Politics, Party Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy and the Journal of Common Market Studies. His forthcoming monograph is planned to be published in 2024 with Oxford University Press.


English, Italian, Dutch (Netherlands), German, Spanish, and French (learning).

Research fields:

Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Multilevel Governance, Representative Democracy.

Classes taught:

  • Public policy analysis
  • The influence of international organizations on governments’ policies
  • European economic governance
  • Introduction to the Law and Institutions of the EU


Karremans, J. (2024) ‘Between Voters and Eurocrats: How Do Governments Justify their Budgets’, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press

Karremans J. (2021) ‘This time wasn’t different: responsiveness and responsibility in the Eurozone between 2007 and 2019’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(6): 1536-1554.

Karremans, J. (2021) ‘Political alternatives under European economic governance: evidence from German budget speeches (2009–2019), Journal of European Public Policy, 28(4): 510-531.

Garzia, D., & Karremans, J. (2021). Super Mario 2: comparing the technocrat-led Monti and Draghi governments in Italy. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13(1), 105-115.

Karremans, J. & K. Damhuis (2020) ‘The changing face of responsibility: A cross-time comparison of French social democratic executives’, Party Politics, 26(3): 305-316.

Karremans, J. & Z. Lefkofridi (2020) ‘Responsive versus responsible? Party democracy in times of crisis’, Party Politics, 26(3): 271-279.