Director of ESPOL, Professor of Political Science


Director of ESPOL, Professor of Political Science


Andrew is Director of ESPOL and Professor of Political Science. He grew up in the north of England and is a graduate of the University of Cambridge (BA Social and Political Studies and M.Phil. Historical Studies) as well as a former Joseph Hodges Choate Fellow at Harvard University from 2000-2001. His PhD studies took him to Florence, where he completed his dissertation at the European University Institute under the masterful supervision of Friedrich Kratochwil. From 2008-2010, Andrew had the pleasure of being a lecturer in the International Relations Program at the University of Pennsylvania. After returning to Europe in 2010, he taught at the University of Aberdeen, the University of Stirling, and Aston University before joining ESPOL in September 2021.

Andrew is a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia and also an Associate Editor at ECPR Press.

Languages spoken: English and French



  • Issues in Contemporary European Politics



  • European integration
  • Brexit and EU-UK relations
  • International relations of the EU
  • Geopolitics of EU foreign policy



Books / Book chapters

Why the UK Voted for Brexit: David Cameron’s Great Miscalculation (Palgrave, 2017)

The Politics of European Integration: Political Union or a House Divided? (Wiley 2014) – Traduit en grec : Η ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗΣ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΣΗΣ (Wiley 2015) 

What Makes the EU Viable? European Integration in the Light of the Antebellum US Experience (Palgrave 2009)



The EU and the Temptation to become a Civilization State’, European Foreign Affairs Review (2021) 26(2): 331-350.

Managing Differentiated Disintegration: Insights from Comparative Federalism on Post-Brexit EU-UK Relations’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations (2021)

‘”Love Europe, hate the EU”: A genealogical enquiry into populists’ spatio-cultural critique of the EU and its consequences’, European Journal of International Relations (2020), 26(1): 116-136 10.1177/1354066119850242

avec David McCourt, ‘Living Up to a New Role in the World: Challenges and Contradictions of “Global Britain”, Orbis (2018) 62 (4): 582-597.

‘Post-democracy and institutionalized austerity in France: budgetary politics during François Hollande’s presidency’, French Politics (2018) 16 (2): 119–134.

‘From “Doing History” to Thinking Historically: Historical Consciousness across History and International Relations’, International Relations (2015) 29 (4): 413-433.

‘Why a British Referendum on EU Membership Will Not Solve the Europe Question’, International Affairs (2015) 91 (2): 303-317.