Immersion for high school students #1

novembre 2022

16nov09:0017:30Immersion for high school students #1Hybrid event for last years of high schoolESPOL

Close up indoor portrait of cool pretty young brunette girl. woman fooling around, making crazy funny grimace. Expressive facial expressions

Event Details

Put yourself in the shoes of an espolian for a day. Follow the most emblematic courses of the three degrees offered at ESPOL, in French and in English. You will have the opportunity to discover what it means to be a political science student and to refine your preference for one of our three post-graduate programmes by exchanging with our students who will accompany you throughout this immersion day.

ESPOL – European School of Political and Social Sciences

83 bd Vauban-Lille (new building)

Amphi LW S 122

Capacity: 240 places

Possibility to follow the immersion remotely: 150 places

ESPOL offers three Bachelor’s degree programmes geared towards political and international careers:

Bachelor’s degree in in Political Science

Bachelor’s degree in International Relations

Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics



08.45: Coffee reception

09h15-09h45: Presentation of ESPOL and its programmes

09h45-10h45: Course on “Power and Politics” led by Mr Massart, Director of ESPOL

10.45-12.15: Course dedicated to each degree:

  • Course “Studying the European Union” given by Alexia VENOUIL, Head of the European Political Science degree (70 places)
  • Introduction to International Relations” taught by Shoshana FINE, Head of the International Relations degree (50 places)
  • Course “Major societal challenges or how to better understand them” given by Raul MAGNI BERTON, Head of the Philosophy, Politics and Economics degree (110 places)

12.15-14.00: Lunch in the restaurant with ESPOL students

14:00-15:00: Conference “Climate: our challenges and commitments

15.00-15.30: Presentation of Parcoursup

15h30-16h30: Campus tour and ESPOL associations forum

Opens on 7 october

For further information, please contact Camille Etmans:

03 59 56 79 80 /



(Mercredi) 09:00 - 17:30


