Master’s in Digital Politics and Governance

Master’s in Digital Politics and Governance

Understanding the Politics of the Digital

Digitalisation is a critical issue in today’s global and European politics. The fast spread of the internet to 63% of global population today and the increased use of digital tools for politics and policy-making bring about new opportunities and challenges. While it was hoped that the internet and digital tools would reduce barriers leading to more collective, democratic and borderless collaboration inducing positive social and political change, more recently the internet became to be seen to more likely reinforce existing barriers and even as rising threat to individuals, society, (democratic) governments. Thus, this master brings together students from different backgrounds to study various political, legal and social problems of the today’s digitalisation processes and explore new solutions to address them.



The master’s programme Digital Politics and Governance examines the ways in which digitalisation affects states, politics, government, diplomacy and society. It explore how public authorities (regional bodies, nation states, European institutions, UN agencies) and private actors (individuals, organisations, transnational businesses, NGOs, etc.) shape the digital transformation of politics. The Master discusses opportunities and challenges as well as the negative and positive externalities of such digital transformations for states, societies, organisations and individuals.

Because these questions require political, legal and technical knowledge, the master’s programme in Digital Politics and Governance is organised in close collaboration with practitioners and expert from related disciplines such as law and computer science. It includes a partnership with FLD Lille Paris Campus, the Law department of Lille Catholic University; numerous interventions from digital technology professionals; and field trips to key European Agencies and digital-related policy events.

Career opportunities

  • National regulation bodies: for example, in France, CNIL, ARCEP;
  • Big tech companies: for example in their public affairs departments;
  • Businesses and private sector: for example as digital strategy advisor;
  • Start-ups or think tanks in the digital sector: for example France Digitale;
  • Public administration at national and subnational level: ministries, regional and local authorities, but also other public administration agencies recruit experts in digital transformation of public policy;
  • International and European organisations: the European Union, the OECD or the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity;
  • NGOs, trade unions, interest groups and lobbies operating in the digital and data sector, in citizens’ digital rights or digital inclusion;
  • Academic career: students graduating from our MA can also access PhD programmes in order to pursue an academic career.

Felix-Christopher VON-NOSTITZ

Associate Professor of Political Science, Co-Head of the master Digital Politics and Governance

Course schedule

Semester 1 (M1)

Semester 2 (M1)

Semester 3 (M2)

Semester 4 (M2)

Core courses

Introduction to Digital Democracy 24h 6 ECTS
Methods for digital analysis 24h 6 ECTS
Digital Diplomacy 24h 6 ECTS

Research courses

Workshop: Academic Writing 12h 3 ECTS

Optional courses (Choose 1)

Introduction to Political Science* 18h 4 ECTS
Advanced Comparative Politics 18h 4 ECTS
Critical Approaches to International Relations 18h 4 ECTS
Public Policy Analysis 18h 4 ECTS

Career development (Choose 1)

Digital Politics in practice 12h 3 ECTS
Agriculture in practice 12h 3 ECTS
Digital Politics in Practice 12h 3 ECTS
Lobbying and NGOs in Practice 12h 3 ECTS


French (FLE) or English ** 16h 2 ECTS
Optional extra language course (non-compulsory) 16h /

Core courses

Digital Political Communication 24h 6 ECTS
Law and Digital Society 30h 6 ECTS
E-Government and E-Governance 24h 6 ECTS

Research courses

Introduction to Research & Epistemology 18h 4 ECTS

Optional courses (Choose 1)

Global Justice 18h 4 ECTS
Approches socio-économiques de l’agriculture 18h 4 ECTS
International Migration 18h 4 ECTS
Cybersecurity 18h 4 ECTS
Digital Media and Political Participation 18h 4 ECTS
Digital Policies in a comparative perspective 18h 4 ECTS

Career development

Studytrip Talinn 30h 2 ECTS
Career talks 4h /


French (FLE) or English ** 16h 2 ECTS
Optional extra language course (non-compulsory) 16h /

Core courses

Digital sociology 24h 6 ECTS
Privacy and data protection law 24h 6 ECTS

Research courses

Political Science Research Methods 18h 4 ECTS
Work-in-progress document / 2 ECTS
Statistics and the Political Sociology of Quantification 18h 4 ETCS

Optional courses (Choose 1)

Digital political marketing 18h 4 ECTS
Smart Cities 18h 4 ECTS
Shared optional course with other MA 18h 4 ECTS
Advanced research methods 24h 6 ECTS

Career Development

Professionalization workshops 4h /
One-day field trip (Brussels) 8h /


French (FLE) or English ** 16h 2 ECTS
Optional extra language course (non-compulsory) 16h /

Core courses

Contemporary issues in digital politics 24h 6 ECTS

Research courses

Master’s dissertation / 14 ECTS

Career development

Internship 8 ECTS


French (FLE) or English ** 16h 2 ECTS
Optional extra language course (non-compulsory) 16h /

* Compulsory option for students without a background in political sciences

** French (FLE) compulsory for non-francophone students. English compulsory for francophone students. In case the student is a native FR/EN (to be checked by Clarife), replace with other language of choice.

The course schedules are not contractual and are subject to change at any time by the teaching staff.