
“Bourse au mérite” scholarship

The “Bourses au mérite” 2023 – 2024 campaign has been launched.

This scheme is aimed at students from the Faculties and Schools belonging to Université Catholique de Lille (except 1st year bachelor students). The grants finance part of the student life of students of modest means who have an excellent academic level.

Eligibility criteria

Social criteria

  • Students must be in receipt of a CROUS scholarship.
  • No ARELI scholarship holders.

Academic level

  • Have obtained at least a 14 average over the 2022-2023 academic year (or + 2 points above the Promo average).
  • Must not have repeated a year in the reference year.

Community involvement

  • Involvement in community work at the school or elsewhere.


Please find below the document to be completed and sent to Grégory SCIEUX by midnight on 6 October at the latest.

This document must be sent together with your annual transcript of marks for the year 2022-2023, respecting the academic level requested, and your CROUS scholarship notification.