Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

The fundamental tools to analyse and resolve the major governance issues facing contemporary societies.

The Bachelor’s in Philosophy, Politics and Economics offers students the opportunity to understand the contemporary world by studying in depth its three essential areas for a better analysis of modern issues. Its main objective? To enable students to master the fundamental tools to quickly decipher the major issues facing contemporary societies.


  • Acquire a methodology to think well and quickly

  • Master the technical and ethical dimensions of governance (private or public). 

  • Master the fundamental notions and methodologies of philosophy, economics and political science.


  • Foreign language courses (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.).
  • Compulsory student mobility during the fifth semester: academic exchange, internship or humanitarian project
  • A multicultural campus environment (linked to the presence of international students and instructors).
  • Internships and professional development: students must intern for a total of eight weeks, spread out as they wish over the three years of the Bachelor’s Degree. Students receive support for these internships in the form of technical workshops and specific, job-focused modules that introduce them to the different careers to which political science studies lead.

In order to encourage students to succeed, various mechanisms have been put in place:

  • KHOLLES: This 30-minute oral examination generally includes a question from the course or a commentary on a text and is divided into three parts: presentation, discussion and debriefing.
  • TUTORING: Possibility to ask a teacher for a meeting in order to submit a problematic seen in class or to deepen questions related to teaching.
  • ROLE PLAYING: Theatrical situations conducive to oral expression during several courses, in particular EU Policy Making and Economic, Social & Political Ethics…

Career opportunities

A degree in PPE will equip students with the knowledge and skills to pursue a wide range of careers in the public and private sectors at national and international levels, including public policy, governmental or non-governmental organizations, diplomacy, data management, risk analysis, business and finance. But also:

  • Jobs involving the written word: publishing, journalism, translation, various positions in government or institutions (schools etc.) where it is necessary to be able to write well and synthesize information;
  • Decision-making professions and advice to decision-makers: the business world, political bodies, ethics committees;
  • The world of education in a very broad sense;
  • The world of culture.

Students can continue their studies by choosing one of the Masters offered at ESPOL:

They can also take the European, national and local civil service exams.


Professor of political science, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the bachelor Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Director of ESPOL-Lab

Course schedule

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Semester 5

Semester 6

Unités fondamentales

Introduction à la Science Politique 24h 4 ECTS
          Travaux dirigés 16h 2 ECTS
          Khôlles / 2 ECTS
Microéconomie 24h 4 ECTS
          Travaux dirigés 16h 2 ECTS
Introduction to ethics 24h 4 ECTS

Unités d’approfondissement

Mathematics for Social Sciences (Level 1) 18h 3 ECTS
Introduction to formal logic 18h 3 ECTS

Compétences fondamentales

Professionnalisation 4h
Argumentation et pensée critique 16h 1 ECTS
LV1 24h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 2 ECTS

Unités fondamentales

Histoire des idées politiques anciennes et modernes 24h 4 ECTS
          Travaux pratiques 12h 2 ECTS
Théorie des jeux appliquée à l’économie et la politique 24h 4 ECTS
          Khôlles / 4 ECTS
Applied Statistics (Level 1) 18h 3 ECTS
          Travaux pratiques 18h 3 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement

Behavioral economics 18h 3 ECTS
Introduction to international relations 18h 3 ECTS

Compétences fondamentales

Journée européenne 10h /
Study trip 10h /
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 2 ECTS

Unités fondamentales

Public economics 24h 4 ECTS
          Travaux dirigés 16h 2 ECTS
Public Policy 24h 4 ECTS
Histoire des idées politiques contemporaines 24h 4 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement - Cours obligatoires

Mathematics for the Social Sciences (Level 2) 18h 3 ECTS
Philosophy of science 18h 3 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement - Cours électifs (1 au choix)

Droit et éthique de la procréation 18h 3 ECTS
Law and economics 18h 3 ECTS
Policy and law of direct democracy 18h 3 ECTS
Histoire et culture du christianisme 18h 3 ECTS
Spiritualités indiennes : hindouisme, sikhisme et jaïnisme 18h 3 ECTS

Compétences fondamentales

Professionnalisation 10h /
Essay Writing Workshop 16h 1 ECTS
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 2 ECTS

Unités fondamentales

Economie politique 24h 4 ECTS
Comparative politics 24h 4 ECTS
Éthique économique et sociale 24h 4 ECTS
Travaux pratiques PPE 24h 4 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement - Cours obligatoires (1 au choix)

Choix social et théories des choix collectifs 18h 3 ECTS
Applied Statistics (Level 2) 18h 3 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement - Cours électifs (1 au choix)

Justice environnementale et transition écologique 18h 3 ECTS
Immigration and Integration in the EU 18h 3 ECTS
Les intéractions sociales par les jeux pédagogiques 18h 3 ECTS
Histoire et culture du judaïsme 18h 3 ECTS
Histoire et culture de l’islam 18h 3 ECTS

Compétences fondamentales

Journée européenne 10h /
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 2 ECTS

Compulsory mobility semester

  • Erasmus semester in a Philosophy, Politics and Economics program at a Partner University.
  • Internship in a partner company or institution

Unités fondamentales

Dossier de recherche 8 ECTS
Applied Statistics (Level 3) 24h 4 ECTS
         Travaux dirigés 16h 2 ECTS
The Politics of Cities (Conférences PPE) 24h 4 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement - Cours obligatoires

21st Century Technology 18h 3 ECTS

Unités d'approfondissement - Cours électifs (1 au choix)

Research design pour sciences sociales 18h 3 ECTS
Méthodes en Philosophie Politique 18h 3 ECTS

Compétences fondamentales

Journée européenne 10h /
LV1 16h 2 ECTS
LV2 16h 2 ECTS
LV3 15h 2 ECTS

The course schedules are not contractual and are subject to change at any time by the teaching staff.