
[EVENT] Farming for Justice and Recognition in Europe – April 1st 2020, The New School, NYC

Brendan Coolsaet will deliver a talk at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School in New York City on « Farming for Justice and Recognition in Europe », exploring some of the justice concerns driving the struggles of contemporary European farming movements.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Arnhold Hall, Dorothy Hirshon Suite
55 W 13th Street room I-203
New York

In their efforts to conserve agricultural biodiversity, farmers’ movements in Western Europe redefine the conditions under which their members participate in society. Governance arrangements for the conservation of agro-biodiversity are used to redistribute or communalize available resources; to oppose institutional threats to farmer’s culture, knowledge and livelihoods; to (re)build a common rural identity and citizenship; and to encourage self-determination and foster empowerment. Under the banner of peasant, local and/or organic agriculture, through the reintroduction of traditional varieties, the creation of new varieties using farm-based knowledge, and the redesign of innovation models, individual farmers are connected to collective movements demanding justice and a more efficient agricultural model.

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