
[PAPER] Chopin T. and Maillard S., The covid-19 crisis as a make or break moment for EU solidarity, Stiftung Genshagen Paper series “Acting European?” No.8, 22 June 2020

The foreseeable economic recession calls for a collective European response in a spirit of solidarity into which France and Germany have injected fresh impetus. However, beyond financial commitments and corresponding mechanisms, European solidar-ity must be backed by a strong and tangible political commitment in order to shape public opinion as well as a geopolitical strategy

The foreseeable economic recession calls for a collective European response in a spirit of solidarity into which France and Germany have injected fresh impetus. However, beyond financial commitments and corresponding mechanisms, European solidar-ity must be backed by a strong and tangible political commitment in order to shape public opinion as well as a geopolitical strategy.

The need for EU solidarity in the face of the Covid-19 crisis

“The climate that seems to prevail among Heads of State or government and the lack of European solidarity are putting the European Union in mortal danger,” warned Jacques Delors in the midst of Europe’s devas-tating coronavirus crisis. This climate undermining European solidarity needs to evolve during the upcom-ing negotiations on the Commission’s recovery plan in response to the recession following the pandemic.Solidarity is at the core of European integration. The Schuman Declaration, whose 70th anniversary was celebrated on 9 May, called for “concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”. The latter has developed as a result of the interdependence and interests linked to the preservation of […]

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